
Monday, March 14, 2011

Wakey wakey Ripped Heart in the Crayon Box

You take it like a man, standing there in silence through it all...

It's been a while that I can think of you, long enough that I can speak to you. We both know we could’ve done much better, but what if we have this all wrong? It seemed that we tried so hard and did our best, but it simply wasn't enough, instead we fucked it all up. I can finally understand and I'm sure it must be hard what you're going through. What's done is done, but it still runs by me...what if we have gotten this all wrong?
I'm sorry you never spoke, well it's far to late to show, but to love you not is a living a lie...Sorry you never spoke.
*knock-knock* On top of the crayon box, wakey-wakey, time to wake up now. Sit down next to me before you go because I don't want to tell you again, you'd be the lone foolish one if you stay, please don't make me tell you again. Next time you open up your eyes, you won't be following the silence and you won't be living in the spaces in between. For you'll see it feels bad now, but it's going to get better because it's naturally fucked up, but we all carry on...there's little else left to do. I bet you won't go crazy like you used to, you'll soon see it feels bad now, but it's going to get better.

We've been here before? Get over it, I see...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Just for you, Take a look at me your Love, Nothing Better.

Long ago before we actually knew...
A baby girl I was born and a young lady I am now, it took so little yet so long to notice who I was to whom am I.
A baby girl I was, the baby girl I continue to be, is and only is the one you truly know...
And to think it all started by a single gift from you, one we both didn't care and know what it was, but I kept.
Nine years of a difference, and I was just a baby girl. To hold and keep warm, to look at and care for, little did you know that that baby girl is now little old me...Esme.
At that time and moment at your ninth birthday, I was just but 10 months of age and you on your 'lucky' day gave a gift, as tiny as it was, it was a gift a baby girl like myself could grow to love (to a certain age).
A teether for crying out loud! But, not just any teether. A cute yellow owl of a teether, so vintage! (:

Coming across this old object of a gift just made me think so deeply of how much we've grown to know one another all this time. It's been 20 years! 20 years! I had a quiet moment to myself looking at this teether saying to myself, that that little girl you once knew is not the same little baby. Sure you call me "My (your) sweet little girl" which doesn't bother anyone, makes perfect sense to me and yourself...but, I'm not that little child anymore.

I was a little girl alone in my little world who dreamed of a little home for me. I played pretend between the trees and fed my house guests bark and leaves, and laughed in my pretty bed of green.
I had a dream that I could fly from the highest swing, I had a dream.
Long walks in the dark through woods grown behind the park, I asked who I'm supposed to be. The stars smiled down at me, answered in silent reverie, I said a prayer and fell asleep.
I had a dream that I could fly from the highest tree, I had a dream.
I don't know what's left to say about this life I'm willing to leave. I lived it full, I lived it well...
I'm ready now to fly from the highest swing, I had a dream.

Of course, I know and you know that...we both know that it's time. I'm ready for everything that willing to cross my path. No matter how awful, great, scary, hard, unexpected, thrilling, etc. it could and will possibly be. This is a reminder of your symbol to owls..."The bold owl sits in its hollow tree wailing at the lonely moon until he's no longer the lonely moon who sits for the wailing caused him to glide and with such beautiful perfectionist eyes seeks his pray, but of what? His lovely lone owl self to come keep him company in his hollow tree and it no longer is the bold owl, but the wise owl with his owlet to love and care for wailing together...bold and strong in the hollow tree."
Such a long saying like your crazy ramblings of such weird knowledge of yours...but this makes perfect sense if you think about it and think about owls alone and compare them to your human behavior...hmm.
I'll always ask myself, was there a meaning of you giving me that silly old vintage yellow owl teether? A symbol and actual meaning behind it?
The answer will reveal itself soon enough...come on, it's only a ramble away...
So who's the owl and who's the owlet between you and I?

An owl can see him slash her-self and see their match of true long lasting love.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Get your Chia Pet NOW!

At Target taken by Chrisy with her Phone
-It just caught our eyes and Josh came to my mind-
*Giggles and smiles* ^^

Okay, for starters you should all know that I don't watch television.
So a few nights ago I was talking to Josh, like every night, and we had this random conversation about "Chia Pets" This came about because I made the comment of watching television that afternoon and seeing the commercial of the new Obama chia pet stating: "Those things still exist!" He laughed and said "Ch-Ch-Cha-Chia!" We both giggled and out of nowhere he starts telling me like the history of the whole Chia Pet company. Which I thought was very weird slash random slash funny and slash cute for him to know such information like that. And for some odd reason there are still a bunch of Americans willing to buy such product, enough to keep the Chia Pet business going since the 70's
Which brought another topic from I guess the same producer...the pet rock?!?! Yeah, it was nice and very random conversation with Josh that night and seeing this shirt just made me think and remember such thing. Another memory with him that brings a huge smile to my face. Lovely fellow I have here, sharing non-sense with each other, that always makes our talks enjoyable (:

So, to all you people who have a Chia Pet or who have bought a Chia Pet in the past...WHY?!
